dots portrait #2

dots portrait #2
2017 - 2d collage - 85 h x 85 w x 2d cm - printed-paper and cardboard -framed
This 2d collage is part of a series of portraits realised using printed-paper, recycled from magazines, leaflets and catalogues. dots of paper have been glued, on a white mount board, following a geometric pattern.
This work want to explore the impact of overload information on our identity. We live in a very complex society where everything is in a permanent state of flux. Everyday we are overwhelmed by a large amount of inputs, causing us disorientation and stress.
The aim of this piece is to find simplicity in the midst of complexity, order out of chaos. A closer look reveals thousands of fragments, words, faces and colours that create a complex abstract image but from afar it looks like a simple image of a lovely woman.
The mathematical principles embedded in the geometric pattern has the psychological effect to mitigate the sense of chaos generated by the complex texture of the work . As someone wrote: “In the midst of order, there is chaos; but in the midst of chaos, there is order”.
This work is protected by a clear acrylic plastic sheet and it is ready to be hung up.