infoxicated identity #5 paolabazz_infoxicatedidentity#5-detail1 copy.jpg

infoxicated identity #5

simplexity #13 paolabazz_simplexity#13-detail-1 copy.jpg

simplexity #13

simplexity #12 2 copy.jpeg

simplexity #12

simplexity #11 paolabazz-simplexity#1.jpg

simplexity #11

simplexity #10 paolabazz_simplexity#10-detail-1 copy.jpg

simplexity #10

simplexity #9 paolabazz_simplexity#9-detail-3 copy.jpg

simplexity #9

Still Life #1 paolabazz_StillLife#1-detail-1 copy.jpg
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Still Life #1

simplexity #8 paolabazz-simplexity#8.jpg
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simplexity #8

paolabazz_simplexity#7.jpg paolabazz_simplexity#7-detail-9.jpg
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simplexity #7

paolabazz-abouttime#4 copy.jpg paolabazz-abouttime#4-detail-1.jpg
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about time #4

paolabazz_dotsportrait#3-3-3- copy.jpg paolabazz_dotsportrait#3-3-3-detail1 copy.jpg

dots portrait #3 - limited edition 3/3

paolabazz_dotsportrait#4-2-3 copy.jpg paolabazz_dotsportrait#4-2-3-detail1 copy.jpg

dots portrait #4 - limited edition 2/3

paolabazz-dotsportrait#5.jpg paolabazz-dotsportrait#5-detail3 copy.jpg

dots portrait #5 - limited edition 1/3

dots portrait #6 - limited edition 2/3 paolabazz_dotsportrait#6-2-3-detail1 copy.jpg

dots portrait #6 - limited edition 2/3

paolabazz_dotsportrait#7-2-3 copy.jpg paolabazz_dotsportrait#7-2-3-detail1A copy.jpg

dots portrait #7 - limited edition 2/3

paolabazz-simplexity#6-detail1 copy.jpg paolabazz-simplexity#6-detail2 copy.jpg
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simplexity #6

simplexity #5 paolabazz-simplexity#5-detail2 copy.jpg
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simplexity #5

paolabazz_simplexity#4.jpg paolabazz_simplexity#4-detail1.jpg

simplexity #4

paolabazz-simplexity#3 copy.jpg paolabazz-simplexity#3-detail1.jpg
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simplexity #3

paolabazz-simplexity#2 copy.jpg paolabazz-simplexity#2-detail1 copy.jpg
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simplexity #2

simplexity #1 paolabazz-simplexity#1-detail1 copy.jpg
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simplexity #1

paolabazz_overlapping-identities-3-1500px.jpg paolabazz_overlapping-identities-3_detail1.jpg

overlapping identities #3

infoxicated-identity#4.jpg infoxicated-identity#4-detail1.jpg
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infoxicated identity #4

infoxicated-identity#3.jpg infoxicated-identity#3-detail1.jpg
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infoxicated identity #3

paolabazz-infoxicatedidenity#1.jpg paolabazz-infoxicatedidenity#1-detail2.jpg
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infoxicated identity #1

intoxicated identity #2 paolabazz-infoxicated identity #2-detail2.jpg
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intoxicated identity #2

sun always comes up #3 paolabazz_sunalwayscomesup#3.jpg
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sun always comes up #3

going in circles #1 paolabazz_going-in-circles-1_detail4.jpg

going in circles #1

going in circles #2 paolabazz_going-in-circles-2-detail1.jpg
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going in circles #2

FadingAway2-2500px-72dp.jpg FadingAway#-incontext1.jpg
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fading away #2

at the end of the garden paolabazz_at-the-end-of-the-garden_detail1-2000.jpeg
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at the end of the garden

ungraspable #1 paolabazz-ungraspable#1-detail5-FRAMED.jpg
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ungraspable #1

paolabazz-sunalwayscomesup#1.jpg SACU-1-completo.jpg
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sun always comes up #1

identity disruption #2 IMG_6576.jpg

identity disruption #2

paolabazz-sunalwayscomesup#2.jpg SACU-2-completo.jpg
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sun always comes up #2

abitare sospesi paolabazz-AbitareSospesi-detail6.jpg

abitare sospesi

mondi sospesi paolabazz-mondisospesi-detail1.jpg
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mondi sospesi

paolabazz-HowandWhere?.jpg paolabazz-HowandWhere?-detail1.JPG

how and where?

paolabazz_WhatNow?#4.jpg paolabazz_WhatNow?#4-detail2.jpg

what now #4 £900

le temps file vite paolabazz_letempsfilevite-detail2.jpg
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le temps file vite

in a time of change paolabazz_in a time of change-detail6.jpg
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in a time of change

Costantino and the usual questions costantino-detail2-(3438x2479).jpg
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Costantino and the usual questions

dots portrait #2 paolabazz-DotsPortrait#2-detail2.jpg
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dots portrait #2

Portrait 1 – Sir Richard Brinsley Sheridan paolabazz-portrait1-detail2.jpg

Portrait 1 – Sir Richard Brinsley Sheridan

criminal minds #1 - Mondrian Style IMG_6826.jpg

criminal minds #1 - Mondrian Style

like a zoo IMG_6828.jpg

like a zoo

up UP-incontext copia.jpg


days and nights Day&Nights_in context.jpg

days and nights

parole Parole_in-context.jpg


road Road_in-context.jpg


juego de opuestos JeguodeOpuestos_in-context.jpg

juego de opuestos

get the look NeverGetTheLook_in-context.jpg

get the look

criminal minds #2 in-context.jpg

criminal minds #2

Ian brown Altrincham-PublicDomain-WikimediaCommons.jpg

Ian brown

let it flow #1 paolabazz-letitflow#1-detail2.jpg

let it flow #1

let it flow #2 paolabazz-let-it-flow-2-detail4.jpg
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let it flow #2

let it flow #3 paolabazz_let-it-flow-3-detail4.jpg
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let it flow #3

let it flow #4 paolabazz_let-it-flow-4_detail3.jpg

let it flow #4

la stagione dell'amore
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la stagione dell'amore

Identity-equimprob#1-2000px.jpg Ident-EI#1-incontext.jpg

identity - equilibri improbabili #1

Identity-equimprob#2-2000px.jpg paolabazz-ei2-framed.jpg

identity - equilibri improbabili #2

identity - equilibri improbabili #3 Ident-EI#3-incontext-quadr.jpeg

identity - equilibri improbabili #3

Time-lapse #4 paolabazz_time-lapse-4_detail1.jpg

Time-lapse #4

Time-lapse #3 paolabazz_time-lapse-3-d1 copy.jpg
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Time-lapse #3

Time-lapse #2 paolabazz_time-lapse-2-d1 copy.jpg

Time-lapse #2

paolabazz_time-lapse#1.jpg paolabazz-tl1 copy.jpg
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Time-lapse #1

origami identity #2 paolabazz-OI#2-lim_ed_of_5-detail2 copy.jpg
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origami identity #2

origami identity #4 paolabazz_origamiidentity#4-detail1 copy.jpg
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origami identity #4

origami identity #5 paolabazz_origami-identity-5_detail-5 copy.jpg

origami identity #5

origami identity #6 paolabazz_origamiidentity#6-detail1.jpg

origami identity #6

origami identity #7 paolabazz_OI7-detail1 copy.jpg

origami identity #7

origami identity #8 paolabazz_origamiidentity#8-detail1 copy.jpg
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origami identity #8

the real me #4 paolabazz-therealme#4-detail1.jpg
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the real me #4

paolabazz-therealme#5.jpg paolabazz-therealme#5-detail1.jpg
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the real me #5

paolabazz-chebarba#1.jpg paolabazz-chebarba#1-detail1.jpg
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Che Barba #1

the real me #1 paolabazz-therealme#1-detail1.jpg
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the real me #1

the real me #2 paolabazz-therealme#2-detail1.jpg
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the real me #2

the real me #3 paolabazz-therealme#3-detail1.jpg
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the real me #3

paolabazz-therealme#6.jpg paolabazz-therealme#6-detail1.jpg
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the real me #6

fading away #8 FadingAway8-2400px-72dpi.jpg
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fading away #8

fading away #9 FadingAway9-2400px-72dpi.jpg
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fading away #9

Amy #2 AMY2-2500px-72dpi.jpg
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Amy #2

identity disruption #1 5C97FC27-B7B7-4826-ADB9-90241E5060FD.JPG
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identity disruption #1

the great escape paolabazz–TGE-detail2.jpg
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the great escape

everything changes paolabazz-everythingchanges-detail1.jpg
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everything changes

SACU#2-horizontal-piccolo.jpg paolabazz-sunalwayscomesup#2-detail1.jpg
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sun always comes up #3

dots portrait #2 (Copy) incontext.jpg
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dots portrait #2 (Copy)
